France –
Real estate, taxes, inheritance law
(Protection Association for Foreign
Property eV, Waldshut-Tiengen)
European university publications
Substantive legal barriers to constitutional amendments in German and French constitutional law
A comparative study
Travailler et vivre en Allemagne
Working and living in Germany
Cooperation with Pasquier/Mormin (editors)
Other publications
Substantive legal barriers to constitutional amendments in German and French constitutional law (Frankfurt/Main/Bern, 2000)
La société interprofessionnelle (Die interprofessionelle Partnerschaft):
Thema con variazioni – Magazine des Jeunes Avocats Nr. 107, 2010, S. 30 ff.
France: The most important tax changes 2013 – Real estate international No. 3-2013, p. 10
ECJ: Social security contributions for non-resident taxpayers contrary to European law! in: Grundbesitz international No. 4/2015, p. 5 f.
The Franco-German double taxation agreement in a new guise in: Grundbesitz international No. 8/2015, p. 13 f.
France dossier 2013/2014: Real estate, taxes, inheritance law (Protection Association for Foreign Property eV, Waldshut-Tiengen)
France dossier 2015/16: real estate, taxes, inheritance law (Protection Association for Foreign Property eV)